iOS app for learning French nouns gender

Learn French articles and nouns with "Le-La Français"

Le-La Français is a language learning iOS application designed to help to learn and memorise the articles of French nouns in the form of a game: you select the articles of words that appear one after another.

All words have translation and can be pronounced by system voice. They are sorted in order of frequency of use in everyday communication and media sources. Words are offered for study, starting with the most frequently used.

The application has three sets of words for different age groups: children, teenagers and adults.

When learning a word, an adaptive algorithm analyses the answers and adjusts the frequency of showing the card until the word is memorised. With correct answers, the word will be offered less and less often, with incorrect answers - more often.

Daily use of the application, even for 5-10 minutes, allows you to quickly expand your vocabulary and memorise words and articles.

The App is available in the Apple App Store :

Practice your knowledge in short lessons

What features are available in application:

  • Creation of the custom list of words to study (favorite words);

  • The choice of a suitable system voice, tone and speed of word pronouncing;

  • The search for a word by the initial letters or by the ending of the word;

  • Several languages of word translation and application interface;

  • Setting the number of repetitions of a word during the study process;

  • Exclusion of words known to the user from the list of words being studied;

  • Study statistics;

  • Multiple accounts on one device;

  • Application can work without Internet connection.

Practice your knowledge in short lessons

What features are available in application:

  • Creation of the custom list of words to study (favorite words);

  • The choice of a suitable system voice, tone and speed of word pronouncing;

  • The search for a word by the initial letters or by the ending of the word;

  • Several languages of word translation and application interface;

  • Setting the number of repetitions of a word during the study process;

  • Exclusion of words known to the user from the list of words being studied;

  • Study statistics;

  • Multiple accounts on one device;

  • Application can work without Internet connection.

Easy Learning

  • The words proposed for study are sorted by frequency of use in conversation and on media resources. That is, the most common words are studied first.

  • User can create list of “favorite” words and use the mode of prioritized learning of these words.

  • In "Auto-pronounce" mode each new word will be pronounced by selected system voice.

  • Three languages of user interface and French words translation are available: English, German and Russian.

  • The smart algorithm adapts to the user's learning results. Words that are difficult to remember will be offered for study more often.

  • User can specify the number of consecutive correct answers after which the word will be moved to the list of learned words that are no longer offered for study. But each word can be moved back to the “Study words” list for repetition.

“Study words” list is adaptive. New words are added to it, and learned words are moved to the “Learned words” list.

  • If you are sure that you already know the word, then you can click the “Know it” button and then select the article of the noun. If the answer is correct, the word will be moved to the “Learned words” list and will no longer be offered for studying.

  • If you don’t know the gender of a noun, then you can click the “Don’t know” button. In this case, the correct button to press will be highlighted.

Easy Learning

  • The words proposed for study are sorted by frequency of use in conversation and on media resources. That is, the most common words are studied first.

  • User can create list of “favorite” words and use the mode of prioritized learning of these words.

  • In "Auto-pronounce" mode each new word will be pronounced by selected system voice.

  • Three languages of user interface and French words translation are available: English, German and Russian.

  • The smart algorithm adapts to the user's learning results. Words that are difficult to remember will be offered for study more often.

  • User can specify the number of consecutive correct answers after which the word will be moved to the list of learned words that are no longer offered for study. But each word can be moved back to the “Study words” list for repetition.

“Study words” list is adaptive. New words are added to it, and learned words are moved to the “Learned words” list.

  • If you are sure that you already know the word, then you can click the “Know it” button and then select the article of the noun. If the answer is correct, the word will be moved to the “Learned words” list and will no longer be offered for studying.

  • If you don’t know the gender of a noun, then you can click the “Don’t know” button. In this case, the correct button to press will be highlighted.

Advanced Search

  • You can search for a word by the initial letters or by the ending of the word;

  • Search in French words and optionally in translations of the words;

  • The icon next to words in lists is colored to indicate the word's gender (blue for masculine and red for feminine);

  • The icon next to words in lists is colored to indicate the word's gender (blue for masculine and red for feminine).

Rules that can help

  • "Setting >> Le/La Rules" section presents some rules that help determine the gender of a noun;

  • If the gender of a noun can be determined by its ending or category, then a “rule” icon appears on the left side of the study card. By clicking on it you can view the corresponding rule.

You can choose the interface color scheme to suit your taste

We will be glad to receive your suggestions for developing and improving the application.

Your feedback is very important to us and can support this project.

About Us

  • Our team is focused on finding new effective methods of learning foreign languages.

  • We are trying to create new approaches that help people achieve results in an enjoyable way, rather than through boring monotonous lessons.